Shipping Day

Shipping Day! We shipped some of our fall calves on Saturday to buyers in Texas and Colorado. The buyer's agent came to the ranch to inspect the cattle and kept saying how happy his buyers will be to receive our cattle. He said the quality of our cattle are in the top 5% in the country. We put a lot of effort into producing a top-quality product and there really is a difference you can see with our cattle.
Then add an obsession for quality and sustainable ranching practices. We go to great lengths and expense to maintain an all-natural operation that uses no antibiotics or growth hormones.
As much effort as we put into the cattle, we also care about all the animals on the ranch. We work closely with a wildlife biologist to assure we leave adequate cover for the abundant wildlife that shares our ranch. Our cattle are actually a tool that help us manage the wildlife habitat. We never overstock for the benefit of cattle, the wildlife and our grass supply.
And last but not least, we truly enjoy the beautiful, historic ranch we live on in Texas. Yes, it's a real place where cowboys work cattle on horseback everyday. Ranching is part art, part science and a way of life. We are pleased to share it with you.

Caleb Johnson, our ranch foreman, his kids helping and a couple neighboring ranchers.

These warm sunrise colors are beautiful - but it was a very cool start to the day with 30-degree temps.